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Product details
File Size: 7089 KB
Print Length: 312 pages
Publisher: NOLO; 7 edition (April 5, 2017)
Publication Date: April 5, 2017
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#122,817 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Excellent summary of Special Needs Trusts (sometimes called disability trusts). I have been reading about special needs trusts on legal websites and spoken to several attorneys who specialize n special needs trusts and this is by far the best info I have read. I may use an attorney that specializes in Special Needs Trusts to double check my estate plan but at least I will have an excellent background in the questions I should be asking. Highly recommended if you are planning to leave any money to someone receiving Medicaid and/or SSI.
Arrived overnight!! If you need a special needs trust for you or someone you love this book is a MUST HAVE. Don't listen to friends and family... get the book and form your own questions and the find a trust attorney and sit down and build it together. I feel much more confident understanding what the attorney is talking about and I feel more confident that I can pick an attorney that really knows what he or she is doing.
Excellent resource for special needs trusts. Up to date and well written I wish it had more information on administering trusts, such as reports and also how to get them approved. But these are minor. Well worth getting. Covers just about everything you need.
I really like the CD for forms. I also bought the newer version for access to the website, in case the forms have changed. The book is very concise, tells you what you need to know. I bought a couple other books, and this was the best.
This book is designed to help readers set up their own special needs trust without an attorney--and you could do that with the resources provided, but I expect most readers will prefer to use a professional to establish an estate plan with the special needs trust as an important element. Whether or not you plan to use an attorney, however, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone considering a special needs trust.I have attended seminars on Special Needs Trusts, and my wife and I have had an initial meeting with an attorney to set up a trust for our disabled daughter. As a result, I came to this book with a well-developed idea of what could be accomplished with Special Needs Trust. Still, I learned a great deal from this book. There were several issues related to handling of assets within the trust and the management of housing expenses that became much clearer to me after reading this book.Reading this book helped form important questions that we will be exploring with our attorney, and helps us understand in greater depth what she will be doing for us. In this way, this book is helping us maximize the value we get from our attorney's services.
This book is an excellent resource. First for the family that wants to learn more about the Special Needs Trust (SNT) and decide if it is for them. It also is good for the family that knows that they need a SNT and is going to the attorney, but wants to know what to expect and think about the important issues before they get to the attorney's office where the meter is running. Lastly, it is a great resource for the DIY individual.
Excellent resource. I highly recommend this book for anyone who cares for a person with special needs. Lots of valuable information!
Full of good information. A friend used it and wrote his own. We are going to use it as a basis but plan to do ours thru a lawyer.
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