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Product details
File Size: 1424 KB
Print Length: 120 pages
Publisher: IVP Academic (September 20, 2009)
Publication Date: September 20, 2009
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#2,192,434 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I had no idea that there were such spirited debates going on in the Evangelical Theological Society. But for the last five years, there has been vigorous discussion among Society members about God's foreknowledge. Does God know everything about the future, or does He only know some things as probabilities? Can God change His mind about the future?Some who have engaged in this debate have been less than charitable, and this concerns Darrell Bock. He wants to make it clear that evangelical scholars, of all people, should model compassionate and caring dialogue. We need to major on the majors and disagree agreeably on the minors (if we must disagree at all.)This is a good reminder and a good challenge from Dr. Darrell Bock.
At a time when evangelicals need to learn how to embrace diversity, Dr. Bock's "Purpose-Driven Theology" arrives on the scene. This is an expansion of sorts of his 2002 presidential address at the Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting in Colorado Springs.This book seeks to establish boundaries inside which evangelicals can engage each other in theological dialogue, realizing that the church is not the academy and the academy is not the church. Special emphasis is also placed upon the role of theological societies and organizations as they seek to find the proper balance of ecclesiastical approach and adacemic freedom.This book serves to call evangelicals to unity amidst the diversity that is a reality. As Bock points out, we often waste too much time and effort in controversies among ourselves while losing our voice and opportunity to impact the culture with the Gospel.Finally, the book has a thrust of prayer and discernment on matters on which Christians differ (mainly,evangelicals). What is important is that we not act too quickly and harshly on such matters. "The church has been around for two thousand years. God has cared for it well up to this point. We do not need to come to an instant judgment."This book calls for strength and unity while preserving our diversity and distinctiveness. It also calls for thoughtful boundaries in which theologians can tenaciously seek the face of God.
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